I want to move away to see things in perspective, to see things as they are. The most common fear is the fear of living, of living free. We all judge ourselves, but we only do it because others judge us. What would it happen if there was nobody around?
I want to get rid of all the ties, find again that place in the past where we don’t have to respond to anything but our apetite, that paradise in our memory. You and I, we can close our eyes and get carried away, feel the air just for a moment, feel the cold of winter.
Anytime in the past was better, so they say. But it is only true if you surrender, if you give up. Everyone’s fate is written, yes, but by our very own hand. We can’t control everything, but we only reap what we have sown.
The most common fear is the fear of living, a shelter is the first need. I don’t want to die locked up in a room, I want to do it holding your hand and looking at the endless sky.
The most common fear is the fear of living, of living free and uncommitted.